Be sure to book flights and accommodations as soon as possible because prices will increase. Book flights and accommodations together in order to save on costs. Flights are all day and connections are made in Miami, Florida. Bookings can be done online at Expedia travel agency (http://www.expedia.ca). You will be prompted to sign up for an account using your email address. Round-trip flights from Ontario to Curacao will cost approximately $950 depending on where you are flying from. Accommodations will cost approximately $180/night. Overall, a six-night package will cost approximately $1900 per person or $3800 for two adults. Costs will be lower if staying at the Howard Johnson Hotel ($400 less per person). How to book flight/hotel packages online:
New Update: Sunquest Vacations offers a Toronto to Curacao package which includes a direct 4.5 hour flight and accommodations at the Marriott Resort from Sunday January 4, 2009 to Sunday January 11, 2009 (7 nights) for approximately $2000 per person. Visit http://www.sunquestvacations.ca/default.asp to book this package and learn more.
1$ US = 1.75 guilders (Naf or ANG) |